Labor Day has passed and it's officially Autumn I suppose... The most incredible crop of mushrooms have appeared around the oak trees in my front and back yards and which I would like to share with those who pause to enjoy them... I'll guarantee that these virtual varieties are harmless, the actual fungi, I'm not too sure about... ;-) Though you'll see that many of them have had chunks eaten out of them by birds or squirrels...hey where have those fuzzy critters gone to??? hehe...(I'm sure they're ok...)
I've kept the dialogue to a minimum to spare you reading too many titles or descriptions as the pictures speak for themselves...

note the small red mushroom in righ hand corner...

and some lovely beauties follow in shades of pink and peach...

oh a flower...

what a beauty!

this one looks like crab meat...yummm...

love, love, love the RED ones!!!

almost perfectly round...

like oyster, they look tasty...

the most delicately glistening beige white ubrella top...did not photograph well...alas...

oh...frothy caffee latte...looks like the critter liked it too...

this one was HUGE...maybe over half a foot across?

aaaah...perfection in a toadstool...

yummy little clusters...
BIG cluster!

perfectly smooth, HUGE, round, button mushy...

smooth and pearly white except for the brown spot... :-(

lovely...even for its flaws...
sorry they weren't so clear - I began shooting at the crack of dawn...
thanks for stopping by and enjoy my other blogs...and enjoy the season!
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